Hello world!

· 2 min read


I have created a lot of personal blogs for a while now, but nothing really stuck. Making past personal websites and blogs was an excuse to learn new technologies. I can't say that I didn't do the same this time, but this result seems to be more promising.

This attempt of a blog is built with NextJS, MDXRemote, TailwindCSS, and Shikiji. I was between NextJS and Astro, but Astro not embracing JS is a deal breaker. Thanks to JS (via React SSC), posts can show interactive components and generate an image for social media.

<Confetti />

For inspiration, I checked out Dan Abramov's blog. Initially, I didn't know how that blog was made and mainly followed the KISS approach that Dan shows on his web pages. When I started programming this blog, I found on GitHub Issues Dan's solutions to problems that I had, which landed me on his blog source code, where most of the code of this blog is based.

What now?

As I started exploring in more detail how JS Frameworks work, I will try to write some thoughts and explanations about them here. It's not intended to be a reference, since I don't have the experience to back it up, but it might be a good place to learn something, as well as a time capsule to show my progression in this JS framework madness.